VBS and Day of Creativity

Whew! VBS came to an end last night.  It was a wonderful opportunity to deepen the bond of family and to include new people into the family of faith.  You can see the final slideshow here  I am excited about the banners everyone contributed to which were stitched together as we were producing them….and will be hung tomarrow in church.  Representing the diversity of the family of faith.  Also, on Sunday, two adult baptisms!Today is the DAY OF CREATIVITY!  Wooohoooo. Finally here.  I don’t know where to start.  I have been inspired by mini books lately, like my friend Lynne’s…maybe that will be my project today.  Plus, we will be baking with my daughter and another friend in preparation of the Women of Concordia’s bake sale to sponsor the women’s retreat (this theme: Authentic Beauty).  I am going to make my new favorite: Red Velvet Cake……yes it takes a whole ounce of red food dye…but oh, is it dramatic and delicious. Can I pack anything more into a day?   

VBS – Day One

Day one of VBS…..fun…..trying the concept of a “whole family VBS”……see multi media slideshow here.

Fusse performed

Andres’ band performed on Saturday night at the YMCA. It is pronounced (foo-say) Andres has written all the material and it’s all so good.  The “groupies” wore their Fusse t’shirts to support their favorite band.  They have been working hard on their demo for the last few weeks and it should be done very soon…….They have landed a big gig in August….listen to the first track here


Busy week….

We have VBS this week so it will be a busy week.  I am working on a project for VBS……squares representing the diversity of people in the family of faith…..each one will decorate one…then sewing the squares together into banners.  I will let you know how it goes!

Just wanted to announce that the Day of Creativity is this next Saturday, the 28th! Wooo-hooo.  As usual, we will begin at 10am and end around 8ish. Bring your photos and we will help with the rest.  If you are new at this, resist going to the store and loading up on scrapbooking supplies…..at least not just yet.  I have all the paper and embellishments here….I will help you figure out what cutter to buy (and to save your Michael’s 40% of coupon to buy it!) and what adhesives might be just right for you.

HEY, SCRAPBOOKING GALS.  Help us out here.  What are the top 4 scrapbooking items you cannot live without!  For me?  1. My Dahle cutter 2. My circle and square punch….oh and my corner rounder (I know that is three but they are in the same category!) 3.  Glue sticks and I love the new glue runner I picked up at Walmart, cheap…super sticky and super permanent and I have learned to use it sparingly so it is a good buy. 4.  black ink pad…I love to ink edges and give things a grundgy look.  How about you?  Leave your favs in the comment box and share the knowledge with some newbies in my group.

Thanks! Melissa 

Mikey was at church on Sunday!

I was in Tijuana on Sunday but I just found out today that Mikey was in church on Sunday!  He is healing nicely and everyone was overjoyed to see him.  God is good!

Thank you for prayers…..


Despite a very busy weekend in Tijuana with a Mission Fair and Youth Gathering (see here), last night after a long hot bath I used some of my relaxation time to create this quick layout.  My inspiration was the photo of my grandfather with his cheesy smile…..the crown which had the numbers 98 on it, contributed to the cheesy attitude of this photo.  It says: This Man with the cheesy smile is: loyal, charming, true, tender hearted, kind, cooperative, sweet, always tells me he loves me and is an original!  In the white strip it says: he is so sweet…it doesn’t take much prompting from me….when I say, “Grandpa, smile but show me your teeth!”  2007


Tied up for a few days.

There is confusion, laughing …. and loud music. What is it?  It is a youth gathering in Tijuana that began on Wednesday and goes until Saturday.  I am tied up until it is over….(and then maybe I will need to be tied up but with one of those shirts with the long arms!)  If you are curious and want to take a peek, you can go to www.cptlnmexico.wordpress.com  Please pray for us. I am praying for open hearts and open eyes.  The mother in me is praying for no broken bones or injuries for any of the youth, some have traveled from far away! 

I knew the day would come…

It was inevitable but always surprising. One day you are taking photos of the “baby” and when you see the photo you wonder, “Where did the baby go and when did this little girl get here?”  I was still trying to capture the “baby” hands and feet but the large photo really took me by surprise! Endings, however, are really beginnings, aren’t they?  I am not quite done with this layout….I want to add some stamping to the right bottom corner….but here it is a work in progress.  

Mikey is on his way home!

Today’s update. Mikey got to walk and outside….it was joy for him to see the sky and world!  The Dr. says he might be able to go home tomarrow.  Please pray for pain management!

Monday update:  Mikey is home today and sleeping in his own bed tonight.  His dad tells me that Mikey was able to move his pinkey!  Yeah……!

An evening with Amelie….

I got to spend an evening with Amelie…..of course, taking photos was part of our evening.  She is growing so quickly.  She likes to dance (really just rocking from side to side) and she doesn’t even need music….I think she hears music in her head and just dances!