Creative week…

It was fun to be involved in our first video project for Concordia….getting ready for our church launch.(By the way, come to our next preview on Sunday, January 31 at 10:45am. Click HERE for info and directions!)  We are thankful for the donated talent of Jeff Horvath from the Horvath Group who gave generously of  his time and talent to help us do this video project.  There is so much that goes into a short 2 or 3 minute video!  Here is a photo of the audio engineer and Jeff who also served as the technical director, setting up a shot with one of our preschool parents and her children in preparation for her comments on video!  I estimate that the short video will take about 30 hours of work before we are finished editing.

In preparation for the new scrapbooking and cardmaking group that has been formed as a Meetup group (see the post below) I have been feeling inspired to get out my supplies and work on some projects.  I have been wanting to organize the photos from the Living Nativity and previews of the worship service we have had at Windingwalk. I did some of that last night.  Tonight I worked on a few family photos……..this layout is about my son Andres (he is the one with the hair standing up) who is the leader of the worship band for the FamJam at Windingwalk.  I write about how he gives “heart” to everything he does……and how he wrote “HEART” on his guitar.

New Scrapbooking and Cardmaking Group!

This has been something I have been thinking of for a long time.  I talked to a couple of gals and then met someone new from the neighborhood who was very interested in getting together with women for scrapbooking.  Things came together when I met Teresa who is a stamper and cardmaker.

I just set up the group and we already have 10 members!  Women from the area who are into the creative paper arts.  There are some gals who are beginners…..others that want to complete projects and need a little encouragement and inspiration……and we have some serious scrapbookers which is good because they have the tools and toys to share with the rest of us!

If you are interested in joining, check it out at the below link:

Otay Ranch/ Chula Vista Scrapbooking and Cardmaking Group

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at

I think doing something creative every day expands the mind and imagination and that spills over to every aspect of your life…, its fun and playful.  We all have a child-like inclination to play….don’t repress it, express it!

The World is a Village and it’s OUR Village.

Just the day before the earthquake struck I posted the miniature world video.  Yes, the world is a village and it is OUR village.  Perspective is everything, isn’t it?  There are 7 people in my work group (in the two places where I work), there are 800 people in the town where I grew up. There are 300,000 people in the city where I live. There are 1 million people homeless or injured by the earthquake in Haiti.  Seriously I had a nightmare last night that we had an earthquake….I don’t want to scare anyone…..and as I was going up the stairs to where my kids’ bedrooms are, the handrail was soft and undulating.  I woke up and my heart was racing.  Freaky.

I know I would care if 1,000,000 people were affected in an area I care about…..San Diego.  Haiti is an area I care about because we are part of the same world village.  If you want to contribute even a very small amount to the relief effort, you can go to Concordia’s Initiative for Good at for some ideas.  If you know of additional ways of helping, add them via the comment section.

If you want to get immediate info from individuals, news organizations and relief organizations go to THIS twitter feed compiled by the New York Times outlet in Haiti.

The Miniature Earth.

This is a fascinating short film that really makes you think.   What does it make you think about?  Is there some fact or realization that changes your thinking?

Some down time…now rev’d and ready!

It was good to have some time off to hang out with my son, daughter and mom……to catch up on the cooking shows… play with my new iphone.  I did a little work, a little reading, a little writing but mostly I vegged!  One of the first apps I downloaded to my iphone was a countdown app.  I don’t know why I like countdowns, but I do!  It gives me perspective….seeing how many days to the next three previews and the GRAND OPENING, Sunday, February 21.  I can’t believe it is coming so soon. Join us for a “preview” this Sunday at 10:45. Next previews are January 31 and February 14.  We welcome feedback on what is going right and what could be improved.

How else did I usher in the New Year?  One thing I have done for a couple of years is choose a word or phrase that is my focus for the year…….not really a resolution but some big concept that I want to resonate with and think about in this particular season of my life.  I first read about this on Scrapbooker Ali Edward’s blog.  I especially love when she publishes the list of all the words adopted by many of her readers as they choose their guiding word. You can read the 2010 list here.

My word, or in my case, words?  “FRESH HEART”  taken from 2 Thessalonians 2:16,17

May Jesus himself and God our Father, who reached out in love and surprised you with gifts of unending help and confidence, put a fresh heart, in you, invigorate your work, enliven your speech.

I am seeking that fresh heart this year. To me that means seeking a fresh and primal, authentic experience with God and with that fresh heart I am seeking that invigorated word and enlivened speech!  Seeking a fresh heart also made me think of a healthy heart.  I am hoping that I can ……. yes, like everyone else’s New Year resolution…..lose some weight this year.  Ok, I’ve said it. Let’s see how that all goes…..

Another thing I am attracted to all year round but at the beginning of the New Year it seems there are more magazine articles on the subject of “organizing”.  I love picking up a magazine and reading a quick article on organizing while waiting in the supermarket line.  Am I the only one who reads the magazines in the check out line?  Someone left a Better Homes and Garden magazine on the plane from Phoenix to El Paso as I traveled this week.  I thought this was a great organizing tip:

Want to organize your closet?  Usually a cramped closet is due to…. too many clothes!  Put an extra hamper in your closet and line it with a large plastic trash bag.  Every two weeks choose one item from your closet that you haven’t worn in one year (actually the article said 6 months but that seems a bit extreme to me) and add it to the hamper.  Do this until you fill the bag and toss it in your car to drop off at Goodwill! Not only will this help you organize your closet, but you will help others in the process!

What about a resolution to do more good for others this year?  I have update the website to give you ideas about volunteering time in January. (Here for Good is an initiative by Concordia to bless neighbors across the street and across the world by doing good in small and large ways.)

What about you.  Have you make any New Years Resolutions?  If you had to choose a guiding word for 2010…..considering this season of your life…..what would it be?  Something interesting to think about……